Welcome to BARToons

BARToons® are compact communication.
They show the essence of your message
and put a face to your words.
Created by international illustrator Bart Roozendaal,
BARToons® have appeared in The Oldie, Prospect,
The Spectator and many other publications.
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They show the essence of your message
and put a face to your words.
Created by international illustrator Bart Roozendaal,
BARToons® have appeared in The Oldie, Prospect,
The Spectator and many other publications.
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BARToons® cover the human condition.
Nine-to-five, Battle of the Sexes, Politics: there is always a BARToon to suit your specific needs. For a selection, hover over the CARTOONS section in the header above and pick a category. If you need topical cartoons, do the same with the NEWS CARTOONS section above. From London to Washington, from Beirut to Brussels, there is always a BARToon that deals with news as it happens. |